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Welcome to our FAQs page, where we've compiled answers to some common queries. We're dedicated to providing you with all the information you need to embark on your own adventurous journey. Don't see your question here? No worries! Feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries you might have. We're always happy to assist and share our insights on van life, DIY EarthRoamer builds, photography, and everything nomadic. Contact us anytime!
How does our company know what product you guys will post about on your social media?We work with brands that align with our nomadic lifestyle that can include the following: Outdoor generators Chairs Clothing Outdoor gear There are a variety of products out in the world that can make living easier while being on the road. If you are not sure if we'd be interested in your product, send us an email and we can discuss. If it isn't something we would post on our page, Good News! We do product photography so take a look at our Product/Videography page to get an idea of what the process is like.
Where do I send a package to you if you are always changing locations?We do our own research on where we are. There are various options to ship a package that typically have a holding fee up to $20. We will include that in our final rates when deciding if it will be send via: UPS, FedEx or USPS.
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